Image of the poem "Whiteboard Acrostic" written on a kitchen whiteboard.

Whiteboard Acrostic

In time she’ll see the light
Language which can’t be hidden
Oh, she’ll find such delight
Viewing what’s been written
Every line, a part of the truth
Kathryn, look closely and see
A special message just for you
True as a message can be
Measure my love against the stars
Our whole universe falls short
Reality doesn’t stretch so far
Endless, infinite, MORE


I’m definitely not a skillful poet. But I’ve been experimenting with the form lately to practice being more concise and impactful with my words.

This acrostic poem (meaning there’s a hidden message if you look at the first letter of each line) was my latest attempt to win the “I Love You More” contest against Kathryn, by way of whiteboard romance.

Yes, after all these years together, Kathryn and I still shamelessly partake in the age-old ritual of “I Love You More.” We also often write cutesy notes on our kitchen whiteboard and see how long it will take the other to find them. It’s juvenile and it’s cheesy, and we like it.


